Google recently launched its latest Android version (4.0). One of the new features it has is Face Unlock. This is in news with some videos demonstrating how this feature can be fooled by simply showing it a digital image of the user.
A key learning for any developer/vendor is to make sure that they have tested their product for the basic test cases before launching. Think about the bypass vectors for your feature, frame test cases for these vectors, and finally test it to see the result. If you find the test case to fail, then fix the code.
A simple test case for a feature like Face Unlock is to "show it a printed photograph" or "show it a digital image". I am sure Google must have done their part well. Lets wait to listen some official announcement on this.
A key learning for any developer/vendor is to make sure that they have tested their product for the basic test cases before launching. Think about the bypass vectors for your feature, frame test cases for these vectors, and finally test it to see the result. If you find the test case to fail, then fix the code.
A simple test case for a feature like Face Unlock is to "show it a printed photograph" or "show it a digital image". I am sure Google must have done their part well. Lets wait to listen some official announcement on this.